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Namaste and Welcome!
Set­ting up your pro­file and get­ting famil­iar with the basic forum fea­tures and terms
2 Top­ics 0 Replies Divine Lineage Healing Center's Avatar
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2 Top­ics 1 Replies Suzanna's Avatar
by Suzanna
02 Oct 2014 18:39

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Namaste and Wel­come!

We’re so happy to have you join the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Center’s com­mu­nity con­ver­sa­tions.

We look for­ward to this dia­logue with you. Our words have power. What we say mat­ters. Words are a force either for good or bad, for heal­ing or harm. Yad bhavam tad bha­vathi — what­ever you think, feel and express will be reflected back to you in the world. Together we are cre­at­ing the con­di­tions of the world through our thoughts, feel­ings and expres­sion. Words of com­pas­sion, under­stand­ing and clar­ity will reflect back to us in a more peace­ful and lov­ing world. Share the sparks of your Brahma Con­scious­ness in the global con­ver­sa­tion. Our shared real­iza­tions will change the con­scious­ness and belief sys­tems of the world.

with love,
The Divine Lin­eage Team

Top­ics in Cat­e­gory: Welcome

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