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GP 2014: Digest­ing and Implementing

Shar­ing Guru Purn­ima Expe­ri­ences, Reflec­tions in Nature, and the Deep­en­ing of our Per­sonal Rela­tion­ship with the Lin­eage of Masters
Shar­ing expe­ri­ences and reflec­tions in the Nature dur­ing the Guru Purn­ima Pro­gram in Lay­tonville and at home for all who joined via long-​distance.
1 Top­ics 3 Replies bakula's Avatar
Last Post: GP 2014
by bakula
13 Sep 2014 02:08
Shar­ing expe­ri­ences and reflec­tions in the Nature since the Guru Purn­ima pro­gram and cre­at­ing your per­sonal power spot, and insights you are hav­ing in your rela­tion­ship with the Masters.
1 Top­ics 11 Replies mayaknowles's Avatar
by maya­knowles
14 Sep 2014 15:33

Cat­e­gory Header

This is a space for us to share our expe­ri­ences and reflec­tions in the Nature from or since the Guru Purn­ima pro­gram, expe­ri­ences and reflec­tions related to cre­at­ing our per­sonal power spots, and insights we are hav­ing in our grow­ing rela­tion­ship with the Guru Parampara.

Top­ics in Cat­e­gory: GP 2014: Digest­ing and Implementing

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