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Crack­ing the Coconut Forum

Dis­cus­sion space for peo­ple prac­tic­ing the ancient knowl­edge from the palm leaf man­u­scripts of India to share expe­ri­ences and reflec­tions in the Nature, insights into our rela­tion­ship with the Lin­eage of Mas­ters, ways we are imple­ment­ing the energy, and ideas and inspi­ra­tions for shar­ing the divine solu­tions for life’s problems.
Inspi­ra­tions and Ideas for Mov­ing For­ward Together for the Mission
3 Top­ics 17 Replies mayaknowles's Avatar
by maya­knowles
14 Sep 2014 15:33
Ideas and inspi­ra­tions on how to main­tain and pro­tect the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Cen­ter power spot for future generations
3 Top­ics 6 Replies LaBaines's Avatar
by LaBaines
25 Oct 2014 15:35
A vir­tual “kitchen table” for us to gather around and get to know each other bet­ter. Share any­thing you would like here just because and just for fun — quotes, funny moments, inter­est­ing arti­cles, hap­pen­ings in your area, and kale recipes. Just kid­ding. Maybe.
11 Top­ics 7 Replies Kimberly's Avatar
by Kim­berly
18 Apr 2015 13:27
News, sto­ries, arti­cles, and research related to the ancient mis­sion and shakti energy chan­nels and bring­ing peace, heal­ing, and hap­pi­ness to the world.
6 Top­ics 5 Replies Nityaananda's Avatar
by Nityaananda
31 Dec 2014 11:55

Cat­e­gory Header

Namaste! This com­mu­nity con­ver­sa­tion forum was born from the 2014 Guru Purn­ima pro­gram. It’s a space to share about expe­ri­ences and reflec­tions in the Nature since Guru Purn­ima, insights into our rela­tion­ship with the Lin­eage of Mas­ters, and ideas and inspi­ra­tions for bring­ing the knowl­edge to the West — to “crack the coconut” of the West. This is also a space for us to con­tinue our dia­logue on ways we can sup­port and main­tain the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Cen­ter power spot for future gen­er­a­tions.

The Nature is giv­ing us many reflec­tions of how we are con­nected to the lin­eage of Mas­ters, how the Divine is in every­thing around us and is respond­ing to our open hearts and our indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive prayers through the sacred processes.

We really are look­ing for­ward to con­tin­u­ing our con­ver­sa­tion and build­ing our group energy, deep­en­ing our per­sonal rela­tion­ship with the Mas­ters, and tak­ing our next steps together for the dharma and chan­nel­ing high divine energy to uplift the world.

Happy post­ing and shar­ing (pic­tures wel­come too)!
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