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The Divine Lin­eage of the Guru Parampara

Sri Sai Kalesh­war Swami

Shirdi Sai Baba

“The mas­ter and stu­dent rela­tion­ship is beyond any rela­tion­ship on this pla­neet. That bond, that rela­tion­ship, is immor­tal. It’s for­ever and ever for many life­times. You really need to carry that rela­tion­ship with the Guru Parampara.” — Sri Kaleshwar

Sri Sai Kalesh­war Swami

Jan­u­ary 8th, 1973 – March 15th, 2012
Swami-PLBSri Sai Kalesh­wara Swami is a mod­ern spir­i­tual mas­ter in the lin­eage of Shirdi Sai Baba, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Babaji, Ramakr­ishna Parama­hamsa and Ramana Maharshi. Sri Kalesh­war, as he is called, was born on Jan­u­ary 8th, 1973 in a small vil­lage in the state of Andhra Pradesh in south­ern India. While remark­able occur­rences hap­pened around him as a child, Sri Kalesh­war had no real inter­est in spir­i­tu­al­ity until what he calls his “Enlight­en­ment Day,” when he was four­teen years old. On this day he was study­ing for exams in an aban­doned tem­ple when sud­denly an old man with a beg­ging bowl appeared. Though Sri Kalesh­war did not rec­og­nize him at the time, he would soon learn that it was Shirdi Sai Baba, one of India’s most revered saints who left his phys­i­cal body and took Mahasamadhi in 1918.

Soon after Sri Kalesh­war met his mas­ter again in this life­time, spon­ta­neous mir­a­cle heal­ings occurred around him. Shirdi Baba had opened his divine energy chan­nels and it was then that Sri Kaleshwar’s great spir­i­tual mis­sion began to unfold. For the next decade he trav­eled exten­sively through­out India, engag­ing in intense spir­i­tual prac­tice under Shirdi Baba’s guid­ance. It was Shirdi Baba who led him to numer­ous palm leaf books con­tain­ing ancient knowl­edge divinely revealed to saints and sages many thou­sands of years ago.

These books dis­close the mys­ter­ies of cre­ation, such as the mechan­ics of mir­a­cles and heal­ing, how to cre­ate divine chil­dren, and numer­ous ways to achieve direct expe­ri­ences with the divine. They con­tain sacred for­mu­las that when cor­rectly prac­ticed awaken the incred­i­ble capa­bil­ity hid­den within each of our souls. As Sri Kalesh­war said, “Every soul has the poten­tial to reach the level of a Shirdi Baba or Jesus and con­tribute amaz­ing things to the world.” Often he explained that the only real dif­fer­ence between a mas­ter and a stu­dent is knowledge.

Though he was already enlight­ened and pos­sessed immense super­nat­ural power, for years Sri Kalesh­war researched and prac­ticed the for­mu­las pre­scribed in the palm leafs. He did this to receive spe­cific bless­ings from the divine and also so that he could teach the for­mu­las to his stu­dents. They are the same ancient for­mu­las stud­ied and mas­tered by Jesus and other Mahar­ishis in India. In the past the infor­ma­tion in the palm leaf books was kept secret, given only to a few. How­ever, Sri Kalesh­war said that now was the time to make it read­ily avail­able to help heal the world’s suf­fer­ing and trans­form the way spir­i­tu­al­ity is prac­ticed on the planet.

Dur­ing this period of intense spir­i­tual study Sri Kalesh­war estab­lished his ashram, Shiva Sai Mandir, in a small vil­lage in Andrah Pradesh – Penukonda. From this ancient holy land Sri Kalesh­war began his global mis­sion to train super­nat­ural heal­ers and mas­ters to carry heal­ing and enlight­en­ment to the globe; to intro­duce Shirdi Sai Baba and his spir­i­tual mes­sages to the West; to bring back the ancient chan­nels prac­ticed by Jesus and to reveal the real­ity of Jesus’ life in India as writ­ten in the palm leaf books. At the core of this mis­sion is Sri Kaleshwar’s life­long ded­i­ca­tion to uplift­ing women, to pro­vid­ing them with the tools they need to not only remem­ber, but also to imple­ment their true divine power. One of the ways Sri Kalesh­war accom­plishes this is by recon­nect­ing all of his stu­dents, both female and male, to the Divine Mother. God is both Father and Mother, but the female aspect of cre­ation has largely been for­got­ten and ignored, thus giv­ing rise to a seri­ous imbal­ance in the world. It is the Mother who is the supreme cre­ator, receiv­ing the seed from the Father and putting every­thing into form. Sri Kalesh­war said, “Mother Divine is the mother to every soul in this uni­verse. She doesn’t belong to any reli­gion at all, the Mother is the uni­ver­sal God/​Goddess period.”

The entirety of Nature and each per­son liv­ing within it is in fact an expres­sion of the Divine Mother. Sri Kalesh­war said, “In each per­son there is a fire, a light. See that light. That is She.” It is through recon­nect­ing to the Mother that we receive both the deep­est heal­ing and heal­ing abil­i­ties. When we expe­ri­ence Her we rec­og­nize the truth of who we are. By the immea­sur­able grace of the guru and prac­tic­ing the for­mu­las pre­scribed in the palm leaf books one may have a direct and per­sonal rela­tion­ship with the Divine Mother. Sri Kalesh­war teaches that it is through the fem­i­nine energy that change will hap­pen on this planet and both women and men must reawaken their essen­tial con­nec­tion to Her. It is only then that bal­ance will be restored. This was the same mes­sage of Jesus’ life and mis­sion, but the real­ity of that has been lost until this time.

At his ashram in Penukonda and pro­grams around the world Sri Kalesh­war demon­strated the mirac­u­lous energy and gave direct expe­ri­ences of the divine to his stu­dents and devo­tees. He is also the author of numer­ous books, includ­ing Shirdi Sai Baba – The Uni­ver­sal Mas­ter, and his sem­i­nal work The Real Life and Teach­ings of Jesus Christ. For fif­teen years Sri Kalesh­war ded­i­cated the major­ity of his time to train­ing thou­sands of west­ern stu­dents par­tic­u­larly from Amer­ica, Europe and Japan. Sri Kalesh­war said that the jour­ney must come “From the West, to the East – not from the East to the West.” The West needs to become a holy place where the knowl­edge is believed in and prac­ticed, a place where mirac­u­lous heal­ing energy is gen­er­ated and enlight­en­ment expe­ri­ences hap­pen. Once this is real­ized the energy will flow to the rest of the world. This is the ful­fill­ment of the ancient divine mission.

In addi­tion to teach­ing heal­ing tech­niques and enlight­en­ment chan­nels, Sri Kalesh­war placed equal empha­sis on his stu­dents prac­tic­ing Bha­ga­van Seva – serv­ing God by help­ing human­ity. He said, “There is no enlight­en­ment with­out help­ing the human­ity – be loyal to the human­ity. Be loyal and royal, help the poor.” Through­out his life Sri Kalesh­war tire­lessly served the needy in the name of his beloved mas­ter Shirdi Sai Baba. He is known for a vast num­ber of human­i­tar­ian projects in Andhra Pradesh that focus on hunger relief, edu­ca­tion, med­ical assis­tance, social wel­fare and infra­struc­ture devel­op­ment. Hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple have ben­e­fited from these pro­grams. Sri Kalesh­war embod­ied his teach­ing that our lives and actions must serve to take care of soci­ety in all angles, leav­ing a divine fra­grance long after we are gone.

On March 15th, 2012 Sri Kalesh­war left his phys­i­cal body and took Mahasamadhi. With each pass­ing day since then the chan­nel Sri Kalesh­war has with his stu­dents only expands and deep­ens. Dur­ing his life he often said that when he was no longer restricted by his body his con­scious­ness would be a mil­lion times more pow­er­ful and acces­si­ble to his stu­dents. This is cer­tainly not lim­ited to those who were with him when he was alive. In fact, when Sri Kalesh­war was in the body he shared that he spent 50% of his med­i­ta­tion time con­nect­ing with the souls of his future stu­dents. He said, “I am work­ing with mil­lions of stu­dents to come.” Just as Shirdi Baba was a liv­ing force in Sri Kaleshwar’s life direct­ing his spir­i­tual prac­tice, Sri Kaleshwar’s con­scious­ness is very much avail­able to all those seek­ing his guid­ance, teach­ings, and of course his love.

While Sri Kalesh­war per­formed count­less heal­ings and mir­a­cles dur­ing his life­time and spent thou­sands of hours reveal­ing extra­or­di­nary knowl­edge, he always said that his great­est gift to the planet was his stu­dents. He worked to cre­ate a divine lin­eage of mas­ters and super­nat­ural heal­ers who would in turn help other souls to become the same. There are numer­ous stu­dents all over the world who were cer­ti­fied by Sri Kalesh­war to give heal­ings and to teach the same knowl­edge that he him­self taught. Through Sri Kaleshwar’s grace many have per­formed mirac­u­lous heal­ings and have given oth­ers direct expe­ri­ences of the divine. Dur­ing this period of great dark­ness and neg­a­tiv­ity on the planet Sri Kalesh­war said there also exists a very spe­cial oppor­tu­nity for accel­er­ated heal­ing and soul devel­op­ment. Now is the moment to become what he called a soul sci­en­tist because, “In front of God, once you know the per­fect for­mula, the right chan­nel and the right energy, every­thing is possible.”

For more infor­ma­tion on find­ing a teacher, healer or pro­gram in your area please go to www​.kalesh​war​.org and also www​.divine​lin​eage​.org. To order a book or tran­script please go to www​.sri​-kalesh​war​-pub​lish​ing​.com.

Shirdi Sai Baba

(? – Octo­ber, 15th 1918)
Nityaananda and Monika Shirdi Sai Baba is one of India’s great­est and most beloved saints. He is an incar­na­tion of Shiva and a Dat­ta­treya avatar, as well as Sri Kaleshwar’s mas­ter. Revered in India as Yogi Raja, the King of Yogis, Baba pos­sessed the high­est super­nat­ural capa­bil­i­ties. Though he could have lived like roy­alty, Baba spent his entire life as a men­di­cant, beg­ging alms in the tiny vil­lage of Shirdi in Mahar­shasta State. Over time he came to receive mil­lions of rupees from his devo­tees, but always gave every­thing away to the poor.

Baba came to live in Shirdi by the order of his mas­ter Venkusa, who told his young stu­dent that he must spend the rest of his life in the remote town. Before send­ing Baba on his way Venkusa gave him a brick with strict instruc­tions that he was to sleep on it every night with­out excep­tion. Upon arriv­ing in Shirdi, Baba was met with extreme hos­til­ity from the vil­lagers. So he sat under a nearby neem tree where he engaged in aus­tere spir­i­tual prac­tice while open to all the ele­ments. There he remained for 18 years until the vil­lagers finally rec­og­nized his great­ness as a healer and invited him in.

For the next fifty years Baba lived in a dilap­i­dated mosque he named Dwarka­mai. Yet inside this mosque Hindu rit­u­als were per­formed. Adding to everyone’s con­fu­sion, Baba was also known to reg­u­larly quote from the holy scrip­tures of both Islam and Hin­duism. No one knew for cer­tain what faith he belonged to and each group wanted to claim him as their own. How­ever, Baba was every­thing and belonged to every­one. Never answer­ing the ques­tion, he only replied, “All human beings are one. Our reli­gion is human­ity. God is One.” Truly a liv­ing embod­i­ment of the unity of all reli­gions, Baba was reg­u­larly wor­shipped by Hin­dus, Mus­lims and Chris­tians alike.

An impor­tant source of infor­ma­tion on Baba’s great and often mys­te­ri­ous life is his autho­rized biog­ra­phy the Sri Sai Satcharita, which describes his teach­ings, mir­a­cles and day-​to-​day inter­ac­tions with devo­tees. Much of Baba’s time was spent in the Dwarka­mai sit­ting in front of his dhuni, sacred fire, tak­ing on the pain and suf­fer­ing of the world. Count­less won­ders were demon­strated by Baba dur­ing the course of his life­time includ­ing giv­ing sight to the blind, heal­ing the incur­ably sick, res­cu­ing devo­tees from dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tions, chang­ing water into oil, appear­ing in dif­fer­ent places at once, and also dying and com­ing back to life after three days. Through his unique, one-​on-​one style of work­ing with those who came before him Baba called for tol­er­ance and peace between all peo­ple. His mes­sage also placed pri­mary impor­tance on strong devo­tion to God and ded­i­cat­ing one­self to human­ity through service.

On Octo­ber 15th, 1918 Baba left his phys­i­cal body and took Mahasamadhi. In doing so he saved the life of one of his most beloved devo­tees and friends, Tatya. Though he left behind no for­mal teach­ings or dis­ci­ples, before exit­ing his body Baba gave “Eleven Assur­ances” to his devo­tees that he would be for­ever “active and vig­or­ous” in the their lives from his tomb. One must only call on Baba with faith and his help is imme­di­ate. He said, “If you look to me, I look to you. If you cast your bur­den on me, I shall bear it. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. Even after I leave my body, I shall come to the aid of my devotees.”

Today The “Shirdi Sai Baba move­ment” is the fastest grow­ing spir­i­tual move­ment on the planet. Hail­ing from all cor­ners of the globe his devo­tees are a rich and var­ied tapes­try of peo­ple from every faith and socio-​economic back­ground. The vil­lage of Shirdi has now blos­somed into the one of the world’s lead­ing pil­grim­age sites, with mil­lions flock­ing to visit Baba’s tomb and Dwarka­mai each year. Typ­i­cally it takes cen­turies for a saint’s tomb to develop such an extra­or­di­nary level of prominence.

Pro­tec­tion, guid­ance and mirac­u­lous heal­ings con­tinue to flow from Baba in ever grow­ing abun­dance. Just as he did when he was in his phys­i­cal body, Baba devel­ops a deeply per­sonal rela­tion­ship with each of his devo­tees and becomes a vital pres­ence in their lives. When describ­ing his beloved mas­ter, Sri Kalesh­war said, “Baba is the soul doc­tor to make your soul healthy, happy and glo­ri­ous.” Shirdi Sai Baba is a grand­fa­ther to the entire planet, for­ever work­ing to uplift and unite all of humankind. Sim­ply take one step towards Baba and he will take 99 towards you.

We would like to share with you the Eleven Assur­ances that Shirdi Baba gave to his devo­tees just before tak­ing mahasamadhi. Down­load Shirdi Baba’s 11 Assur­ances here

Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Intro­duc­tion (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 1 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 2 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 3 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 4 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 5 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 6 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 7 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 8 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 9 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 10 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 11 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 12 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 13 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 14 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 15 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 16 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 17 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 18 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 19 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 20 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 21 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 22 (click for download)

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Sri Guru Char­i­tra: Chap­ter 23 (click for download)

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Pujas for Peace Dec17th

Con­nect­ing to Jesus Dec. 17th
at the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Cen­ter in Lay­tonville, CA

“Jesus was an amaz­ing pure crys­tal lov­ing per­son. Amaz­ing pure crys­tal love. Love, love, love, love – do or die for love.” –Sri Kaleshwar.

‘Con­nect­ing to Jesus’ Fire Puja

We invite you to join the upcom­ing Pujas for Peace and be a part of a very spe­cial fire puja, ‘Con­nect­ing to Jesus’, on Tues­day, Decem­ber 17th 4:30pm — 6:00pm PST.

Dur­ing this extended fire cer­e­mony we will con­nect with Jesus, invit­ing Him into our hearts, to bring peace and love to all. This final Full Moon before the win­ter sol­stice, the longest full moon night of the year, is the begin­ning of the energy cycle mark­ing the birth of Christ Con­scious­ness on this planet.

Full Moon Pujas for Peace Schedule

Tues­day, Decem­ber 17th, Full Moon
2:00pm — 3:30pm PST; Datta Abishek and Aarti
4:30pm — 6:00pm PST; ‘Con­nect­ing to Jesus’ Fire Puja


These events are free and open to all.

Note: fire puja extended to 90 min.


Spon­sor­ing the ‘Con­nect­ing to Jesus’ Fire Puja

You can help to chan­nel Jesus’ love and con­scious­ness to the world by offer­ing a coconut with a prayer to the ‘Con­nect­ing to Jesus’ fire puja.

By spon­sor­ing this fire puja, a coconut blessed with the energy of Lake Man­asarovar and Mt. Kailash will be offered into the fire dur­ing the puja on your behalf, through which you can ask and receive heal­ing bless­ings from Jesus for you, your loved ones and for the world.

Dona­tions received for this fire puja will go towards the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Center’s ongo­ing char­i­ta­ble activ­i­ties includ­ing free feed­ing pro­grams, milk dis­tri­b­u­tion for chil­dren, dia­pers for babies, blan­kets for the home­less, and gen­eral assi­stance for the poor.

How to Spon­sor ‘Con­nect­ing to Jesus’

To spon­sor this fire puja and receive a spe­cial bless­ing, make a dona­tion below for any amount. To con­nect you more directly with this process, it helps to have the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion, how­ever, it is not required. If you would like, please send an email to: programs@​divinelineage.​org :

  • Recent Pic­ture of your­self (pass­port style; eyes vis­i­ble)
  • Full Name
  • Date of birth (dd/​mm/​yyyy)
  • Coun­try of residence
  • What heal­ing bless­ing would you like to receive from Jesus for you, your loved ones and for the world?


2 Addi­tional Processes to Con­nect to Jesus and His Angels

There will be 2 addi­tional spe­cial puja processes avail­able dur­ing this aus­pi­cious fire puja link­ing to Jesus and his angels. Reg­is­tra­tion for these spe­cial pujas will close on Sun­day, Decem­ber 15.

I. Sil­ver Cross and Neck­lace Power Object Process

Power objects charged and blessed per­son­ally by Sri Kalesh­war dur­ing his last visit to the Datta tem­ple in Lay­tonville. He said at the time that future stu­dents would need and ben­e­fit from them.

“You might think, ‘Swami, why do I need a Power Object?’ If you want to cross the river, you need a small boat with a small stick or a lit­tle branch. It’s one hun­dred per­cent nec­es­sary. In India, you see huge Shiva Tem­ples. In Kala­hasti — that gigan­tic tem­ple — there’s one beau­ti­ful rock, a Shiva statue (lingam). In that gigan­tic tem­ple, why did they fix only that small rock there? What is the sig­nif­i­cance? It’s vibrat­ing. Those vibra­tions are required to charge your soul enough. To charge your soul, such type of mag­netic vibrat­ing stones, mag­netic power objects are very, very necessary.

If you know how to oper­ate a power object, you are a spir­i­tual genius. Once you begin oper­at­ing it, the energy will start to mul­ti­ply mil­lions of times in you. You can con­nect to Mother Divine through any power object. Mother Divine stays in power objects. Gen­er­ally all super­nat­ural power objects auto­mat­i­cally have sid­dhi pow­ers. Each power object has sid­dhis. That´s another big state­ment. Those sid­dhis, regard­less whether you prac­tice or don’t prac­tice, they will come, they will effect on your soul, then they will imple­ment in the world. You can imple­ment those sid­dhis in the world.

Dak­shina $504

II. Jesus Yantra Power Object Process

Sri Kalesh­war said, “If you put charged JC yantra in any place, there is no chance for spir­its, or neg­a­tive energy to enter there.

The Jesus yantra was in the palm leaf book almost 1900 years back. It’s amaz­ingly pow­er­ful. 101 equally pow­er­ful saints cre­ated this yantra. Jesus Christ’s soul wit­nessed that. Jesus’ soul yantra is a sym­bol to win all the divine chan­nels and I can say it is one hun­dred times more pow­er­ful than the Sri Chakra Yantra. Put it that way. It’s really pow­er­ful. Nowhere on the globe can you find this yantra, except in the palm leaves we have. Once you really under­stand it, you can win the Asta Sid­dhis, know Mother Divine, win Jesus, win Dat­ta­treya. Every­thing is there in one yantra. This is the com­plete Cre­ation – life and death. But you have to find where the Brahma Con­scious­ness is here, so when any illu­sion is com­ing, you can tell what type of illu­sion you are in.

Through a fire puja you will receive that energy to your soul. That’s a major high heal­ing; you’ll receive high vibra­tions from Jesus. There’s no chance the illu­sion can touch you, unless you really do a mis­take – then things will turn a lit­tle funny for you. Still the yantra works but you will have to expe­ri­ence the neg­a­tive effects of your karma.”

Dak­shina $700



Spe­cial Puja Processes for ‘Con­nect­ing to Jesus’

Sil­ver Cross and Neck­lace Power Object Process ($504)
Jesus Yantra Power Object Process ($700)

Sup­ple­men­tary Materials

Shakti Gay­a­tri Mantra Audio

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Ques­tions or Addi­tional Assistance

For ques­tions or addi­tional help with spe­cial pujas please send an email to programs@​divinelineage.​org.


Divine Assis­tants Inter­na­tional is a 501[c] (3) non– profit, tax– exempt orga­ni­za­tion and a 509 (a) (1) and 170 (b) (1) (A) (i) church and pub­lic char­ity. Dona­tions are tax– deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Maheshwari Yoga Special Pujas

2013 Mother Divine Spe­cial Pujas and Heal­ings

We are very happy to offer spe­cial pujas through the Dat­ta­treya Tem­ple at the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Cen­ter dur­ing the highly aus­pi­cious Mother Divine time. These bless­ing trans­mis­sions will take place on Sun­day, Octo­ber 13, 2013. These spe­cial pujas are being offered in per­son and remotely. Reg­is­tra­tion is now open to all who would like to par­tic­i­pate. The reg­is­tra­tion for these spe­cial pujas will close on Wednes­day, Octo­ber 9, 2013.

Spe­cial Pujas: Power Objects and Cop­per Yantras

Copper Yantras

Through­out his life, Sri Kalesh­war taught of the impor­tance of hav­ing power objects and charged yantras sur­round­ing us in our homes. Power objects and charged yantras are inte­gral to cre­at­ing pro­tec­tion cir­cles, main­tain­ing high divine vibra­tions in our lives, and pro­tect­ing us and our homes from neg­a­tive influ­ences and vibra­tions.

We are offer­ing these power objects and cop­per yantras:

Crys­tal Cross Power Object

Dur­ing Sri Kaleshwar’s life, he had a crys­tal cross power object which he kept in his liv­ing room which was deeply cher­ished and sacred to him. Over the years, he gave instruc­tions that the cross was to be buried with him, placed on his chest when he was laid to rest in his final mahasamadhi. This was the last act before his body was buried. These Crys­tal cross power objects were charged fol­low­ing Sri Kaleshwar’s direc­tions.

Dak­shina $702


Sudar­shana Yantra on Cop­per

The Sudar­shana Yantra is the high­est divine weapon of Lord Mahav­ishnu. Sri Kalesh­war said, “The form of the Sudar­shana Yantra is nec­es­sary. Lord Mahav­ishnu is very kind, very sym­pa­thetic, his nature is love, ‘Who­ever prays to me, within days, I’ll be there in his house. I’ll give the bless­ings to those who pray on me.’“ If you keep the Sudar­shana Yantra in your home it pro­vides the great­est pro­tec­tion cir­cles. The energy angels of the Sudar­shana Yantra can cut off any neg­a­tiv­ity.

Dak­shina $504

Soul Object Cre­ated by Sri Kalesh­war

A soul object cre­ated by Sri Kalesh­war. Sri Kalesh­war said he was plan­ning for stu­dents that would come after his mahasamadhi. He said each stu­dent needed to have a power spot, a per­sonal mantra, a soul object and a soul mate. These soul objects were cre­ated by Sri Kalesh­war dur­ing his last visit to the Divine Lin­eage Cen­ter. They are the only soul objects that he left behind for future stu­dents. Sup­plies are lim­ited.

“You need a soul object. Your soul object is a mir­ror to your soul. It will answer to your soul. It is a key to your soul. Once you man­i­fest your soul object, your soul will start to open the door to your soul. But you have to know how to oper­ate it. You need to use it and develop it. If you ignore it, it will ignore you. Put the con­cen­tra­tion. It will ful­fill your work through its energy.

All the con­cepts of my teach­ings link with your soul object. A soul object allows you to com­mu­ni­cate with your soul mate. Once you have your soul object with you, then auto­mat­i­cally you start to know within nine full moons, and max­i­mum 21 full moons, your soul mate. You will rec­og­nize your soul mate auto­mat­i­cally.

What are the ben­e­fits of hav­ing a soul object? It makes your Brahma Con­scious­ness strong, strong, strong. If you don’t have your soul object in your life, it’s very dif­fi­cult to pro­tect your soul to not get dis­turbed with the crazy envi­ron­ment of illu­sions and crazy vibra­tions.

Once you have a soul object, you will never get depressed. You’ll win all the blocks. There’s no chance the illu­sions can play around you. No chance. Who­ever has a soul object, their spir­i­tu­al­ity is 99% per­cent done. That is a stan­dard law.

Auto­mat­i­cally your soul object will tell the master’s energy how many times you need to open your heart. Once your heart is really open, the drops of nec­tar will start to flow to your soul. Then your soul will start to feel how beau­ti­ful its fra­grance is, and the taste of that fra­grance, too. You’ll feel that rhythm of your soul. Then it will start to show a mir­ror where your soul mate is and how to com­mu­ni­cate to your soul mate.

Your soul object is a part of an unbe­liev­able energy to give bless­ings and heal­ings to the globe and help take out pain from a lot of peo­ple. Once you have the soul object, it means you have your knife to go to the bat­tle­field of the illu­sions. It’s pretty good done. You know how to fight the illu­sions. You don’t need Swami any­more. No need to hang around me. You can go.

When you are in the phys­i­cal form, you have to win a soul object. The bot­tom line, if you have both a soul object and a soul mate, you won’t feel dark and light. It’s seri­ous. Night and day, suf­fer­ing and hap­pi­ness, you won’t feel it. You can’t tell which is which. All the time it is like that, you can’t tell which one is up and down. Every­thing is con­stant.”

Dak­shina $1008

Power Object Cre­ated by Sri Kalesh­war

Power objects charged and blessed per­son­ally by Sri Kalesh­war dur­ing his last visit to the Datta tem­ple in Lay­tonville. He said at the time that future stu­dents would need and ben­e­fit from them.

“You might think, ‘Swami, why do I need a Power Object?’ If you want to cross the river, you need a small boat with a small stick or a lit­tle branch. It’s one hun­dred per­cent nec­es­sary. In India, you see huge Shiva Tem­ples. In Kala­hasti — that gigan­tic tem­ple — there’s one beau­ti­ful rock, a Shiva statue (lingam). In that gigan­tic tem­ple, why did they fix only that small rock there? What is the sig­nif­i­cance? It’s vibrat­ing. Those vibra­tions are required to charge your soul enough. To charge your soul, such type of mag­netic vibrat­ing stones, mag­netic power objects are very, very nec­es­sary.

If you know how to oper­ate a power object, you are a spir­i­tual genius. Once you begin oper­at­ing it, the energy will start to mul­ti­ply mil­lions of times in you. You can con­nect to Mother Divine through any power object. Mother Divine stays in power objects. Gen­er­ally all super­nat­ural power objects auto­mat­i­cally have sid­dhi pow­ers. Each power object has sid­dhis. That´s another big state­ment. Those sid­dhis, regard­less whether you prac­tice or don’t prac­tice, they will come, they will effect on your soul, then they will imple­ment in the world. You can imple­ment those sid­dhis in the world.

Dak­shina $504

Sil­ver Cross and Neck­lace Power Object cre­ated by Sri Kalesh­war

Dak­shina $504

Shiva/​Shakti Power Object from Lake Man­asarovar and Spe­cial Process to Con­nect to this power spot

Dak­shina $504

Shiva-​Shakti power object from Pashu­pati­nath Tem­ple in Kath­mandu blessed at Lake Man­asarovar and Spe­cial Process to Con­nect to this power spot

Dak­shina $302

JC Yantra on Cop­per

Sri Kalesh­war said, “If you put charged JC yantra in any place, there is no chance for spir­its, or neg­a­tive energy to enter there.

The Jesus yantra was in the palm leaf book almost 1900 years back. It’s amaz­ingly pow­er­ful. 101 equally pow­er­ful saints cre­ated this yantra. Jesus Christ’s soul wit­nessed that. Jesus’ soul yantra is a sym­bol to win all the divine chan­nels and I can say it is one hun­dred times more pow­er­ful than the Sri Chakra Yantra. Put it that way. It’s really pow­er­ful. Nowhere on the globe can you find this yantra, except in the palm leaves we have. Once you really under­stand it, you can win the Asta Sid­dhis, know Mother Divine, win Jesus, win Dat­ta­treya. Every­thing is there in one yantra. This is the com­plete Cre­ation – life and death. But you have to find where the Brahma Con­scious­ness is here, so when any illu­sion is com­ing, you can tell what type of illu­sion you are in.

Through a fire puja you will receive that energy to your soul. That’s a major high heal­ing; you’ll receive high vibra­tions from Jesus. There’s no chance the illu­sion can touch you, unless you really do a mis­take – then things will turn a lit­tle funny for you. Still the yantra works but you will have to expe­ri­ence the neg­a­tive effects of your karma.”

Dak­shina $700

Sri Chakra Yantra on Cop­per and a Spe­cial Bless­ing to Ful­fill Your Desire

For the ful­fill­ment of a spe­cific desire. You will receive a spe­cially charged Sri Chakra Yantra on cop­per to bless your home. Each time any per­son looks upon the yantra, the yantra con­nects to that soul and acti­vates to ful­fill their soul desires.

Sri Kalesh­war, “The Sri Chakra is the high­est mag­net for wealth, name and fame and the ful­fill­ment of all desires. If you see the Sri Chakra once the energy of the Sri Chakra will give them to you. The Sri Chakra is the energy home of Mother Divine.

Visu­al­iz­ing the Sri Chakra yantra in your third eye, hold­ing it there, then med­i­tat­ing with a mantra and the yantra. Then the energy goes really high, so pow­er­ful. At the time you’re able to bring the huge sankalpam (your inten­tion) abil­ity in you to get what you want, to change oth­ers to the good, or to send the dis­tance heal­ing. It’s a kind of tech­nique to make your will come true through your sad­hana.

When I am doing the Mother Divine med­i­ta­tion, when I want to pull Mother Divine’s energy through the Sri Chakra, I start to draw the vision of Her yantra imme­di­ately in my mind. You start to draw the Sri Chakra in your mind com­pletely from your Brahma Con­scious­ness through­out your body. You feel a lit­tle heat and a lit­tle high energy. Your breath­ing is com­pletely dif­fer­ent than what it is nor­mally. In this posi­tion when you have such strong, high-​energy abil­ity flow­ing in you, that is the right moment you can use the new high divine energy. You can imple­ment that energy for any­thing.”

Dak­shina $504

Womb Chakra Purifi­ca­tion and Womb Chakra Yantra on Cop­per

To purify and strengthen the Womb Chakra and heal heart­break. In addi­tion to the pow­er­ful energy trans­mis­sion, you will receive a spe­cially charged Womb Chakra Yantra to develop the power of your Womb Chakra, clar­ity con­scious­ness and heal­ing abil­i­ties. Keep this yantra for your­self or give this yantra to some­one who is hav­ing rela­tion­ship prob­lems or unable to han­dle their sex­ual energy in a pos­i­tive way. Espe­cially help­ful for teenagers who need sup­port han­dling the onset of sex­ual energy.

“You should keep your womb chakra strong and pow­er­ful. When you see some­body who is very soft and very pow­er­ful it is because their womb chakra is so pow­er­ful. Who really devel­ops their womb chakra energy as much as they can, that per­son will become an avatar on the planet.

Brahma Con­scious­ness, the high­est super­nat­ural power, is linked with the Womb Chakra. The womb chakra is where your soul is gen­er­ated, cre­ated and where it enters. Like a small seed grows into the biggest, high­est tree bloom­ing with hun­dreds of thou­sands of fruits and flow­ers. The Womb Chakra has that much power.

It is espe­cially ben­e­fi­cial to have a Womb Chakra Yantra for teenage girls and boys. If they’re going crazy (with sex­ual energy), draw this yantra and put it in their bed­room. You might think, ‘How it’s really pos­si­ble, Swami?’ Yes, a mag­net how it really pulls the iron? This yantra will really affect on their soul, espe­cially the womb. It calms down, really calms down.”

Dak­shina $504


Spe­cial Pujas: Spe­cial Bless­ing Pujas

Sri Chakra Bless­ing to Ful­fill A Desire

Dak­shina $302

Purifi­ca­tion of Heart­break and Depres­sion

Dak­shina $302

Bless­ing for a Divine Baby

For fer­til­ity, healthy preg­nancy and healthy and suc­cess­ful child­birth for baby and mother. Addi­tion­ally, for women and cou­ples seek­ing to bring a spe­cial soul to this planet.

Dak­shina $302

Heal­ing Bless­ing Trans­mis­sion for Phys­i­cal Dis­ease and Ill­ness

Dak­shina $302


Pujas for Power Objects and Cop­per Yantras

Crys­tal Cross Power Object ($702)
Sudar­shana Yantra on Cop­per ($504)
Soul Object Cre­ated by Sri Kalesh­war ($1008)
Power Object Cre­ated by Sri Kalesh­war ($504)
Sil­ver Cross and Neck­lace Power Object cre­ated by Sri Kalesh­war ($504)
Shiva-​Shakti Power Object from Lake Man­asarovar ($504)
Shiva-​Shakti Power Object from Pashu­pati­nath Tem­ple ($302)
JC Yantra on Cop­per ($700)
Sri Chakra Yantra on Cop­per and Bless­ing ($504)
Womb Chakra Purifi­ca­tion and Yantra on Cop­per ($504)

Spe­cial Bless­ing Pujas

Sri Chakra Bless­ing to Ful­fill A Desire ($302)
Purifi­ca­tion of Heart­break and Depres­sion ($302)
Bless­ing for a Divine Baby ($302)
Heal­ing Bless­ing Trans­mis­sion for Dis­ease and Ill­ness ($302)

Ques­tions or Addi­tional Assis­tance

For ques­tions or addi­tional help with spe­cial pujas please send an email to programs@​divinelineage.​org.


Pujas for Peace Dec17th

Sri Kalesh­war (Jan­u­ary 8, 1973-​March 15, 2012)

Sri Kalesh­war Birth­day Cel­e­bra­tion and Fire Puja
Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 8th 5:00pm-6:30pm PST at the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Cen­ter in Lay­tonville, CA

‘Kalesh­war Jayanti’ Fire Puja

Jan­u­ary 8th is Kalesh­war Jayanti, the anniver­sary of Sri Kaleshwar’s birth. We invite you to join us for a spe­cial extended fire puja to con­nect to this divine soul.

Sri Kalesh­war brought us to Jesus, Shirdi Baba and Mother Divine. He taught us to serve and care for one another, to bring peace and pure love to the world, to under­stand God is One, all reli­gions are One, human­ity is One. Our eter­nal grat­i­tude to Sri Kalesh­war for his immor­tal friend­ship, as he is ever walk­ing with us on our spir­i­tual journey.

This fire puja process will be offered via livestream and is free and open to all. We also invite you to offer a coconut into the fire.

‘Kalesh­war Jayanti’ Fire Puja Schedule

Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 8th, 2014
5:00pm — 6:30pm PST



Spon­sor­ing the ‘Kalesh­war Jayanti’ Fire Puja

You can offer a coconut with a prayer to this fire puja.

By spon­sor­ing this fire puja, a coconut blessed with the energy of Lake Man­asarovar and Mt. Kailash will be offered into the fire dur­ing the puja on your behalf.

Dona­tions received for this fire puja will go towards the Divine Lin­eage Heal­ing Center’s ongo­ing char­i­ta­ble activ­i­ties includ­ing free feed­ing pro­grams, milk dis­tri­b­u­tion for chil­dren, dia­pers for babies, blan­kets for the home­less, and gen­eral assi­stance for the poor.

How to Spon­sor ‘Kalesh­war Jayanti’

To spon­sor this fire puja and receive a spe­cial bless­ing, make a dona­tion below for any amount by Mon­day, Jan­u­ary 6th .

To con­nect you more directly with this process, it helps to have the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion, how­ever, it is not required. If you would like, please send an email to programs@​divinelineage.​org by Mon­day, Jan­u­ary 6 th:

  • Recent Pic­ture of your­self (pass­port style; eyes vis­i­ble)
  • Full Name
  • Date of birth (dd/​mm/​yyyy)
  • Coun­try of res­i­dence


A Prayer to Con­nect to Sri Kaleshwar

You need Flash Player 9 or later installed to play this streamingaudio

Sup­ple­men­tary Materials

Shakti Gay­a­tri Mantra Audio

You need Flash Player 9 or later installed to play this streamingaudio

Ques­tions or Addi­tional Assistance

For ques­tions or addi­tional help with spe­cial pujas please send an email to programs@​divinelineage.​org.



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